Packing Bug Out Bags for Kids for Survival, Camping and Outdoor Adventures.

Many preppers make a mistake of packing only two bug out bags for the adults. All the children’s items are included in these two bags and the kid has nothing to carry because the adults are in charge. This does not have to be the case. If your kid is 5 years old and above, he or she will be able to walk and carry their own little bug out bag. While they’ll not need to carry every item of theirs, they can still shoulder some of the weight. The important point to note is that you only want to keep a few essential items in your child’s bag. This will keep the bag light and not tire them out. It will also ease some of the burden on your shoulders. So, what do you include in a kid’s bug out bag? You can pack items such as: • A few of their favorite toys/games/books • Some clothes for them • Whistles (teach them how to use them) • A water bottle and water to last them 72 hours • Wet wipes and band aids • Toothbrush and toothpaste • A laminated card with emergency contact numbers and their home address • Food for 3 days – cereal bars, crackers, peanut butter, freeze dried fruit, etc. • Poncho • Medication that they may need These items are lightweight but still essential for the child. If you have three children, just carrying all their items and lugging the weight will be enough to make you crawl. By distributing the load amongst them, everybody will share in the responsibility and your life will be easier and less draining. When preparing, it’s important that you pack the bag and let your child carry it and walk around with it. They should feel comfortable, and the weight shouldn’t be too cumbersome. A few key pointers to always bear in mind: • Children tend to have weaker joints and less stamina. Keep the bags lighter and take them hiking or walking often to build up their strength and endurance. • They don’t need a lot of equipment. Children don’t have to carry maps, flashlights, batteries, etc. They only need to carry what they will use. Do not pack some of your equipment in their bags. The child needs to feel responsible for themself. Usually, kids enjoy being given this responsibility and it will all feel like an adventure to them. You must make it sound fun. Survival scenarios are often bleak and depressing. As a parent, if you can keep your kids’ spirits up, they’ll be easier to manage and as a family, you’ll cope better. • The weight and size of the bug out bag needs to be different for the kids. They don’t need a large bag like the adults. Just one small enough to hold what they need. In fact, a school bag will do just fine to hold what they need. Just make sure it’s water resistant. At the end of the day, what you pack in the child’s bag will depend on your child’s needs. There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to this. Different kids have different needs. Some like handheld video games while others prefer reading. Some love chocolate bars while other prefer M&Ms. Your job as a parent is to pack not only what they need but also include a few items that they want and love. When the going gets tough, while the items like a poncho and medication may be essential, it’s the video games and books that will keep them happy. Strike a balance here and pack wisely.
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